What People are saying about Agricadabra…
I highly recommend Brad as a very entertaining educator, easy to work with. Brad”s program was both educational and entertaining while very interactive with the children. His program is an easily sponsored activity, plus his history in schools makes for a valuable pre-fair marketing/promotion function.
The Kids loved the guy! A positive show for all ages with a little Ag thrown in.
The Agricadabra show is a family oriented show for folks of all ages. A ”MUST-SEE”. Every show was standing room only. Brad is the easiest performer I”ve ever worked with.
Your presentation kept the audiences on the edge of their seats and was a superb family attraction. A quality family attraction that entertains, educates and keeps the audiences coming back for more. There are few agricultural education shows as good as this one.
The Agricadabra show is a “Great” agricultural and educational show for all ages. This is one of the best exhibits we have ever had at the fair. For a crowd-pleasing show that is fun and educational for everyone. I would highly recommend the Agricadabra show.
The Volusia County Fair & Youth Show would like to thank you for the time that you gave at our Fair this year in not only doing your scheduled shows, but for the additional time you gave for appearances on the early morning TV shows broadcast from the Fairgrounds and for the shows you did during the school tours. You helped to make this the best Fair we have ever had. Your shows were enjoyed by the Fair goers and we received many compliments on the audience participation. Again thank you for all the help you gave to make this our best fair ever
Agricadabra show brings agriculture to life in a Fun and Creative way. Brad’s show is high energy, interactive and he is a pleasure to work with. Agricadabra has been a plus with our school programs.