The Original Agricadabra Show

This show highlights agriculture within your state.
- What is the average age of the farmers in your state?
- What percentage of farmers in your state are women?
- What is the difference between broiler chickens and egg layers and where your state ranks in production of each?
What’s the difference between whole milk and skim milk?
and a special appearance by Houdini the live rabbit.

Healthy Eating of Ag

Where does Healthy Eating start?
Brad will show how healthy eating and agriculture go hand in hand. Fairgoers will help in creating a healthy baked chicken dinner. Chicken Nugget will make a surprise appearance. We will discover what’s inside a 6’ green pea and a simple form of exercise.

Going Green with Ag

This show demonstrates the importance of Going Green. By Recycling, Reducing and Reusing, the three fundamentals of Going Green, we can help the farm and agriculture.
Brad will recycle newspaper, multiply glass bottles, reuse a 6’ balloon. He will even recycle Chicken Nugget.

Science of Ag

Brad will show how agriculture works in the 21st century. Showing how science can be fun. He teaches how the egg gets from the farm to your store, farmer safety and GPS plotting. Plus the cloning of Chicken Nugget.